Why Teaching English Abroad will Help Your Career

A chinese lion statue

Teaching English abroad is one of the most helpful experiences for a recent graduate or an aspiring teacher. By teaching English abroad you are immersing yourself in another culture while gaining valuable experience for your professional career. Imagine the benefits of having a foreign employment background while searching and interviewing for potential career jobs in the future.

Also having a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification to go with your experience teaching abroad will not only open more doors to you, but make you an expert. Employers are looking for people who have more than just a University education. They are looking for those that have taken the next step and gained relevant experience in the field. Teaching English abroad definitely will set you apart in a pool of candidates.

While teaching English abroad in any country provides great opportunities. Some countries provide several advantages over the others. Locations such as Southeast Asia and Taiwan can provide almost guaranteed job placement. This could get you out of the country and working much faster than if you wanted for others. One of the toughest regions to get a job in is Latin America as the demand for this area is tremendous.

A livable and fair salary is also important to helping your experience as a foreign language teacher in another country. For example, an English teacher in Vietnam can make between £600 and £1000 per month. Wages in Costa Rica are closer to £244 and £500 per month. It usually is not possible for teachers to save money while teaching abroad. But, living expenses in your desired country is an important statistic to research before applying.

Certification programs such as TEFL will also assist in finding you overseas employment and help you better prepare. They will also ensure the school and program is legitimate before sending you off to another country. This is good practice for security reasons and because you can never be too careful.


Generating professional connections while abroad is a great way to advance your career especially once you complete your teaching abroad program. You will meet many different kinds of people and several just like yourself who are teaching English abroad. These connections will stay with you for life and may help you figure out the direction you want to go with your career later on.

Teaching English abroad will help your career with new experiences, connections, and certifications that you have not had before. Also, all while being paid a salary for teaching. You have a lot to gain with an experience Teaching English abroad, which makes it a fantastic opportunity.